
serenity's quest

… writings by William Anton Lee



Light from Darkness | November 17th

Brothers Lee, thinking today, November 17th, is our memorial day with all the respect owed the veterans we honor on their days.  Dad passed away 5-years ago, 2006, and 17-years to the day after Mom.

This special day goes easier this year for this particular son, as I celebrate my grandson’s, Anthony’s, 1st Birthday.  He reminds me that life is precious, short, and ever so amazing.

Life inevitably brings darker days and then flashes …bright lights to show us hope, faith and charity are always there to light the pathway back.  The real challenge is not the darkness, it’s nature’s counterpoint, it’s having the presence of mind and strength of character to open our eyes so as not to miss the unpredictable, but assured rays of light.

Dad and Mom you said goodbye to your son Norman and then hello to son Michael.  The family said hello to Anthony, yet had to say goodbye to Papa Wood.  Such is the circle of life and we do our best today to remember the better moments, which our children and grandchildren make just a little easier to do?

Thinking about you, Ulrick (Rick) Albert Lee and Michael Robert Lee, on this day – hoping many special moments come your way.

by William Anton Lee
2011 November 17
Light from Darkness | November 17th


…Reposted today in honor of dad and mom. I still find it special in a guarded way that these two both passed away on the same day, November 17th, 17 years apart.

[Awakening to Love]

Passion dances on your heart;
Sweet everything’s sing endlessly;
Dreams break into consciousness.

Memorable silhouettes transform shadows;
Aromatic passings tease the soul;
Sleep wanes in deference.

Caressing feathers reveal accidental touch;
Emerald crystals replace silhouettes;
Awakened arms cradle love.

by William Anton Lee
2012, September 8
[Awakening to Love]

… inspired by my wife Dawne

…re-posting today because I can’t say it enough — love you Dawne, more and more everyday!

Being a Whole Person

…written by E.F. Schumacher

“Education can help us only if it produces “whole men.” The truly educated man is not a man who knows a bit of everything, not even the man who knows all the details of all subjects (if such a thing were possible): the “whole man,” in fact, may have very little detailed knowledge of facts & theories…but he will be truly in touch with the centre. He will not be in doubt about his basic convictions, about his view on the meaning and purpose of his life. He may not be able to explain these matters in words, but the conduct of his life will show a certain sureness of touch which stems from his inner clarity.”


[Raise Your Sail]


As you sit in the Calm you can choose to do nothing and fear everything – or, you can raise the sail in preparation of the wind which will inevitably stir in the moments immediately thereafter.

This is not faith, this is a deep understanding that life demands actions even during the most difficult of times – not impatience, rather foundational acts of courage and diligence.

Far better to prepare for the wind, then curse the quiet – else, you will certainly sleep unprepared and wake up having unwittingly traveled from Calm to Calm.


by Will-Anton

2013, April 27
revised 2020, June 19
[Raise Your Sail]

[I’ll Be Here tomorrow]

Courage isn’t a desperate growl;
rather the gritty mantra “I’ll be here tomorrow!”

Yes my friend, it is courage you have, and
courage you inspire.

Better days are coming!

by William Anton Lee,
Oct 16, 2011
[I’ll Be Here tomorrow] ©

… My friend James Ventham inspires me each and every day.  While he is not alone in the daily challenge to keep head held high, it is his recent endeavors that motivated me to write this.  It is he that inspired me to stop and think about courage.  Specifically, about the courage it takes to face days where little changes for the better and in these days to feel the road is just slightly harder to climb than yesterday.  Only courage explains the grit it takes to climb that hill day-in and day-out.  James is a courageous soul and in the company of many such souls who share a common challenge called Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome.

Diligence Considers Antithesis

Whenever a thought or somebody appears to you as “the one”, take this as a sign that you neither completely understand the phenomenon or the person, nor the transient or evolving nature of truth or humanity.

Be cautious when lazy presumptions find you attached to the present and blindly dismissive of the future. We are not omnipotent in-spite of false assurances of intellect or emotion.

Be diligent! Consider the antithesis!

Mostly, nurture that and those you journey with, especially if you expect to look up one day and find yourself in the company of robust knowledge or loving companionship.

by William Anton Lee
2013 April 14
Diligence Considers Antithesis

…inspired by Brother Ed, Christian Brothers High School, 1968-1972, who among others taught me to think while being anchored by humility.

[The Fading Rose]

Moments remembered when we couldn’t wait to see Affection as it turned the corner or we missed it when life required distance, even for an hour or two.

Affection remembered as a soothing voice, dazzling eyes and sweet lips so often and generously offered without expectation, albeit with hope and love.

Love remembered as an enchanted paradise where glimpses, snippets, a passing touch, even a gentle push naturally kindled the flames of Affection.

Loneliness remembered when Affection faded because we chose seclusion, relaxation or false expectations, albeit Choice can so often be clothed in blind apathy.

Wonder not, we are the masters of both affection and loneliness wherein we find no solace in seeing the faded rose while remembering the rosebud, so much so that our heart refuses to be quieted.

So it is Affection perfected that effortlessly remembers to gaze into Love’s eyes, speak in song, tame fire with a soft kiss, and gently touch the hand that holds your heart.

Magic or not, it is pure joy to remember forever rosebuds and gentle blooms, for if it’s the faded rose we routinely remember we only have ourselves to consider the fool, no less the lonely fool.

by William Anton Lee
2013 April 18
[The Fading Rose]
First Draft

[Cherish Life Created]

Nurture students’ passion. Discover their mechanics. Lead them to resources. Encourage exploration.

Give teachers freedom and time to probe, to assess, to experiment, to adapt, to teach. Let them shy away from cookbook strategies, materials and tests which do little more than presume your child fits.

Rather, your child is a mosaic, a genius within. Let them be in it. Let them be it. Gaze across the room then. And, only then. See reflectively life created, life cherished.

by William Anton Lee
2013, April 29
[Cherish Life Created]
Second Draft

[Be Not Alone]

Whether fear, trepidation, passion or affection, all play for our heart hoping to gather our soul and distract the mind. Some of these we favor as sunlight, others we banish as darkness. When called there are Angels in our midst who walk with us through darkness, just as their are Shepherds who guide us by daybreak. Sing through the night – dance through the day – and should the Moon rest and the Sun blind, reach for the subtle touch of angels and shepherds.

Caution! Hearts are at play with little understanding of emotion or endeavor. Gathered souls! Distracted minds! Flittering Hearts! These matter much and stand loneliness up. Listen carefully for sweet music calling us to sing and dance. Free your soul! Settle your mind! Guard against blindness causing angels and shepherds to pass-by after momentarily standing before us. Let not doubt, rationality, willful silence or stubborn blindness keep you from affection.

Be not alone, for we are not alone!

by William Anton Lee
2013, May 6
[Be Not Alone]
First Draft

…I dedicate this to a dear friend of mine, Yvette, who fearlessly chose affection over doubt. She is an inspiration and an angel to so many herself.

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serenity's quest

... writings by William Anton Lee

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